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Eighteen: The Final Chapter

It's that time of year again. The time of year when everyone and their dog waxes nostalgic about all the shit nobody cares about from the year past, and stupidly predicts the next year in the grim knowledge that when the next New Year comes along, nobody will remember that the dumbass predicted a bunch of foolish shit that turned out to be complete and utter balderdash. I might as well, too. Just like I did last year (yes, a lot of this was pasted from last year's final chapter).
There are even fewer articles this year than last year, as most of what I was doing was feverishly getting my cookbook ready to publish.
Some of these links go to /., S/N,, or
As usual, first: the yearly index:
Random Scribblings
the Paxil Diaries
Zombie Technologies
Useful Dead Tech Part Three
Sorry I Haven't Written
Scince Fiction:
Last years' stupid predictions (and more):
Last year I said I'd publish Voyage to Earth and Other Stories, and I was right,
I predicted that Trump wouldn't be worse than Bush, this is still undetermined. He hasn't started any shooting wars (yet; if he doesn't he'll be the first Republican President since Ford not to start one) and he hasn't gotten our country attacked (yet, he's trying awful hard). He hasn't ruined the economy... yet. I do predict a stock market bubble that will crash the economy when it pops. I hope I'm wrong; so far I am.
I'm also predicting that I won't have a book ready in 2019. I haven't even got a start on one.
I'll also hang on to most of last year's predictions;
Someone will die. Maybe you, maybe me. Not necessarily anybody I know... we can only hope.
SETI will find no sign of intelligent life. Not even on Earth.
The Pirate Party won't make inroads in the US. I hope I'm wrong about that one.
US politicians will continue to be wholly owned by the corporations.
I'll still be a nerd.
Technophobic fashionista jocks will troll slashdot (but not S/N).
Slashdot will be rife with dupes.
Many Slashdot FPs will be poorly edited.
Slashdot still won't have fixed its patented text mangler (I haven't been there for a while, did they fix it?).
Microsoft will continue sucking
Happy New Year! Ready for another trip around the sun?


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